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Ford presenst The Boss Lady Project


Celebrate 10 years of partnership between Ford Motor Company and Essence Fest, by integrating branded content leading up to Essence Festival that puts Ford at the forefront of African American feminism and in turn give African American women a unique way to celebrate sisterhood.



Bound by ties far deeper than blood, for women, it is no question sisters are more than family relations. But for African American women It encompasses so much more, including relationships by friendship, blood, community, sports, religion. AA women bond by paving a path, leading by example and giving back to the community.



Year after year Ford has watched Essence Festival grow so after 10 years of riding together as partners we created a Road to Essence starting with content for the magazine's boss lady readers and culminating at Essence Fest where real-time amplifications of the message came to life as attendees pitch their business to win a Ford. 



Creative Direction – Experience

Media Partnership

The Road to Essence - Black Women in Hollywood

Sponsored content on to kick off the 2018 Road to Essence Fest that highlight both the platform "sisterhood of Boss Women" as well as hitting the road with our influencers to highlight the Alexa attribute of the vehicle. 

Four ladies talking at a table
Actress Susan Kelechi Watson shares about her thoughts in making the ladby boss project

10 Year Reunion - Essence Fest

To celebrate the 10-year partnership of Ford Motor Company and Essence Fest, we invited attendees to return "home" but creating a unique house rooted in the benefit of Ford vehicles. From pumping radios in the living room, to bucket seats at the dining table and the quintessential "fit it all" closet that was the dimensions of the roomy Ford trunks. It's more than the drive to move forward, but how these vehicles truly fit into driver's homes and families.

Ford celebrates 10th year anniversary for Essence
A pink beauty booth at the Ford Essence 10th year anniversary
Young women enterprenuers at the ford pitch contest
Tiffany Aliche offical instagram photo at the Ford Essence Fest
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